Rebecca Jones
Hello, I'm Rebecca.
I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Consultant, and Executive Coach for individuals, executives, and businesses alike.
I also host several retreats throughout the year in stunning, inspired locations around the globe.
You can work with me on a 1-2-1 basis, attend my private practice as a client, come to a workshop, or come on a retreat.

How can Rebecca help you?
Rebecca has experienced many life changes and career changes over the last 35 years. And now in her 50's, within all of these changes she has purposefully recreated her life several times over to ensure that she is always living a good life in which she is happy, laughing, and being the best that she can be.
Rebecca realises that what life throws at us is less important than how we actually respond to it.
Over the last 35 years Rebecca has;
-Played football for Sheffield United Ladies team.
-Secretary of a running club.
-Recovered fully despite all the medical evidence saying that she would never walk (unaided) again.
-Awarded a National Teacher of the Year Award.
-Lived and worked abroad for 5 years in 3 different continents.
-Travelled extensively throughout the last 15 years.
-Worked for the United Nations in Kazakhstan.
-Worked for the British Council in Egypt.
-Worked with Tibetan refugees in India.
-Worked with Sudanese refugees in Egypt.
-Founded her own international business in Paris & St. Malo, France, (Paris St. Cloud).
-Trained as a Clinical Hypnotherapist by Dr. Bandler, Paul McKenna & on GHR.
-Hosted her own hypnotherapy beach retreats in Brittany, France.
-Facilitator in Residence (Hypnotherapist) at Kalikalos Retreats, Greece.
-Currently works alongside Paul McKenna & Dr. Bandler as part of their staff team running hypnosis seminars in London.
-Runs her own private hypnotherapy clinic in Harley Street, London.
-She is a Clinical Hypnotherapist residing in Manchester, with clinics in London, Didsbury & Wilmslow.
-Is a founding partner in her new company 'Jones2' working with the Education Sector.
-A teacher, a mentor, and a coach.
-A Writer.
-A Blogger.
-A Podcaster.
-A writer for the Hypnotherapy Directory, Happiful, and Brainz Magazine.
-A writer for Book Retreats.
-A published Author of her own book 'Source Your Inner Jetpack'.
-In the process of writing two more of her own books...
If you would like to achieve your goals and dreams today, get in touch with Rebecca NOW!!
Hello, I'm Rebecca.
I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Consultant, and Executive Coach for individuals, executives, and businesses alike.
I am also a published Author with my latest book available on Amazon now in hardback, paperback, and Kindle.
As well as being the 'Expert Therapist' for several therapy journals, periodicals, and a well-known, popular magazine.
I have my own Podcast available on Spotify, helping others to help themselves, as well as featuring on the Brainz Podcast, and being on the front cover and being featured and interviewed in their magazine.
You can work with me on a 1-2-1 basis, attend my private practice as a client, come to a workshop, or come on a retreat.
I have a private clinic on Harley Street in London, as well as a practice on Deansgate in Manchester.
I now also have a clinic on Fifth Avenue in New York City, and work globally with clients across the world, F2F and virtually online, as well as in clinic at Harley Street Therapy Clinic in London, and Fifth Avenue Therapy Clinic in New York City, USA.
I work with International clients F2F and online virtually worldwide. Clients include Governments and Government Officials, United Nations, British Council, OECD, Diplomats, International Criminal Court - The Hague, Silicon Valley, Tech gurus, The Cloud, Media presenters and Music moguls, Sports stars, personalities, and athletes, TV and Radio, red carpet fashion industries, (The Emmy's), and more.
I have been fortunate enough to receive several international awards, including the CREA Global Award and the Global 500 Award for recognition of my contribution to therapy work and services.
I host several retreats throughout the year in stunning, inspired locations around the globe.
I am a fully registered and certified Clinical and Professional Hypnotherapist.
I am the Founder of Paris St. Cloud Clinical Hypnotherapy, and the CEO of Harley Street Therapy Clinic.
I am a published author, as well as writing for several therapy journals.
I am also an Executive Contributor and Senior Level Partner for Brainz Magazine Worldwide.
I feature on their Podcast (Spotify, Apple, etc), and write articles and features for them regularly.
I also write as part of their Expert Panel, offering advice to thousands of people around the world.
I have trained in Clinical Hypnotherapy M.A. (DipPCH) GHR GHSC GQHP (MAC) as well as being a qualified and registered Clinical Supervisor.
Trained by Dr. Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna, I now run a private practice (London - Paris - Manchester), and work with clients worldwide.
As well as running my private practice, I also run workshops, seminars, and host retreats.
I have been part of both Paul McKenna's and Dr. Richard Bandler's assisting team, as a trainer, in London.
I am a highly regarded, much trusted, highly sought after, and specialised Clinical Hypnotherapist. Whilst assisting both Dr. Bandler and Paul McKenna, I am continually updating and expanding my techniques, as well as enhancing my expertise in the very latest developments in this field.
I was born in England, and now in my fifties and living in St. Lunaire Dinard, France, enjoying the delights of this magnificent part of Brittany and all it has to offer.
I began my career as a teacher in the UK, and then I soon became a leader, and then an advisor & consultant in the education authority.
My proven track record and my successes turning around a failing department into the most successful department in the region led me to being head-hunted to work with other departments and failing schools. This later led to me being awarded the prestigious 'National Teacher of the Year' Award in 'Urban Leadership'.
I soon became 'coach' to the headteacher, & consultant to other advisors in the authority, and studied with
Harvard Business School.
I have since worked for the United Nations and the British Council.

However, after a serious ski accident and being told I would never walk again, my life changed forever overnight.
Fortunately, thanks to determination, will, and an array of holistic practices and techniques, 4 years later I had made a full recovery.
It is with these experiences in mind that I have now created my hypnotherapy & coaching practice, and Paris St. Cloud Retreats .
I have spent the last 20 plus years training and specialising in hypnotherapy, coaching, and holistic well-being.
I have combined the best practices to ensure that when you work with me, book an appointment, come on a workshop, or join me on a retreat, you will benefit from the optimum techniques and practices available today.
Trained by Dr. Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna, I am now a fully registered and certified Clinical and Professional Hypnotherapist, and Strategic Coach. I am a Licensed Master NLP Practitioner, a Certified Personal Life Coach, an Executive Corporate Coach, and a Business Coach. I have studied Strategic Intervention Coaching from the world-renowned Robbins-Madanes Training Center, (Tony Robbins).
I am also a Certified Reiki Master and Teacher, and a Certified EAD teacher, hosting workshops, classes & retreats in France.
I have 18 years of teaching experience, both in the UK and overseas, including India, Kazakhstan, and Egypt.
I've been lucky enough to live and work in some incredible countries, and travel to amazing places all over the world. Highlights include Uzbekistan, Georgia, and Thailand.
I would be honoured to be a part of your journey too.
Book an appointment, come on a workshop, join me on retreat...
Paris St. Cloud can now offer you a highly-specialised, deeply relaxing, healing, and comforting retreat.

Rebecca Jones M.A. DipPCH (GHR GHSC) GQHP (MAC) ​ Clinical Hypnotherapist | Consultant ​ Rebecca Jones (M.A. DipPCH) is a Clinical Hypnotherapist & Consultant (GHR, GHSC) (GQHP, MAC) and CEO/Founder: 'Paris St. Cloud' | Harley Street Therapy clinic | 'The Empire State of Mind' | ​ Harley Street Therapy Clinic | London W1 | UK | Fifth Avenue Therapy Clinic | 5th Ave | NYC | USA | Global Solutions | Worldwide ​ Initially trained by Dr. Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna, & now a much trusted & highly valued part of their team, Rebecca is a highly sought-after expert in her field. Rebecca is an inspirational therapist and consultant with her thriving practice in Harley Street London and a successful clinic on Deansgate in Manchester; Rebecca is a dedicated, professional, highly experienced, and highly effective, successful therapist & consultant. Rebecca now also has a clinic on Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, USA. ​ Harley Street Therapy Clinic in London W1 has now become the No. 1 Go to place for Clinical Hypnotherapy! ​ Rebecca is dynamic, resourceful, kind, and caring... and gets results!!! An honoree of both the Global 500 Award, and also the CREA Global Awards over several years, Rebecca received both these prestigious awards in recognition of her innovative ideas, her resourcefulness, her commitment to helping others, and her achievements, professionalism, and accomplishments in the areas of mental health, therapy work, and therapeutic support and transformational change for others over the last 20 years. Other award winners included the incredible global celebrity, Oprah Winfrey. ​ Rebecca works globally with clients across the world. As well as her Harley Street Therapy Clinic in London, and Fifth Avenue Therapy Clinic in New York City, Rebecca works with International clients F2F and online virtually worldwide. Rebecca's clients include Governments and Government Officials, United Nations, British Council, OECD, Diplomats, International Criminal Court - The Hague, Silicon Valley, Tech gurus, The Cloud, Media presenters and Music moguls, Sports stars, personalities, and athletes, and more.  Rebecca works with her private and corporate clients alike, to build better lives, redesign their futures, and create personal freedom today! ​ Her latest book 'Source Your Inner Jet Pack: Rapid Transformations for Life's Jetsetters' is published, is out now, and is available on Amazon in Hardback, paperback, and kindle here: Source Your Inner Jet-Pack! Rapid Transformations for Life's Jetsetters: A Clinical Hypnotherapist's Guide to Surviving the Global Pandemic (Source ... Jet-Setters. Book One - An Introduction): Amazon.co.uk: Jones, Rebecca: 9798710156605: Books Rebecca has her own podcast sharing her ideas, her techniques, and her story. Rebecca has also been Featured on the Brainz Podcast, being interviewed about her business, her therapy and hypnotherapy work, her clinic, and her consultancy practice. ​ The Podcast, titled "How to Focus and Protect Your Mind in 2022: Exclusive Interview with Rebecca Jones" can be found on ITunes, Apple, and Spotifiy here: How To Focus And Protect Your Mind In 2022? Exclusive Interview With Rebecca Jones - Brainz Podcast | Podcast on Spotify Rebecca also featured on the Front Cover of Brainz magazine, and also in an Exclusive Interview in the magazine where she describes her work with clients around the world, she discusses her own story, and what has led to her success, as well as her latest book which people can use to help themselves in the comfort of their own home. Rebecca's latest interview in Brainz Magazine is available now. Check out the full article and interview here: Exclusive Interview With Clinical Hypnotherapist – Rebecca Jones (brainzmagazine.com) During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, Rebecca has donated her services freely to all doctors, nurses, and medical staff working in hospitals and ICU departments in hospitals worldwide. ​ Moreover, she has also been conducting her clinical research study and clinical trials to treat patients suffering from Long COVID. ​ There is no other such study taking place in the world. It is unique and one of a kind. It is the first of its kind globally and is at the forefront of therapy and innovation, described as a flagship and ground-breaking research study. ​ This has been followed by her uniquely devised therapeutic techniques and treatment plans for patients and clients and a series of workshops, seminars, and training programs for therapists, medical practitioners, doctors, and hypnotherapists. Rebecca is now the CEO and Founder of the 'Long COVID Therapy Institute.'During the pandemic and Lockdown, Rebecca has also provided additional Free Online services, including Free Coaching courses for 'Resilience and Wellbeing in Lockdown' and free services for NHS doctors and nurses in the UK. Rebecca has also been interviewed for the media and radio about her business and her work, as well as receiving numerous prestigious awards and accolades for her services and work in mental health, therapy, medical services, consultancy, and charitable work. ​ As well as working with her private clients in Clinic, Rebecca also provides Corporate seminars, events, & training, as well as Wellbeing sessions and Professional Development courses (CPD) for Businesses, Schools, Corporate clients, & Groups. Rebecca is also an accredited and verified professional trainer: Training, qualifying, and certifying future Coaches, Mentors, Therapists, and Hypnotherapists. Rebecca is also a Clinical Registered Supervisor providing expert Clinical Supervision to recently trained, newly qualified, and newly registered therapists, as well as to highly experienced therapists and hypnotherapists at the peak of their careers. Rebecca is a Guest speaker for public engagements, business events, charity dinners, and fundraisers, both in the UK and overseas. Rebecca looks forward to meeting and welcoming people in Monte Carlo, Monaco later this year. Rebecca's unique clinical hypnotherapy and consultancy methods enable individuals, private clients and corporate clients alike, to build better lives, redesign their futures, and create personal freedom today! For further information and details please get in touch and contact Rebecca today: www.paris-st-cloud.com info@paris-st-cloud.com www.harleystreettherapyclinic.com rebecca@harleystreettherapyclinic.com www.fifthavenuetherapyclinic.com rebecca@fifthavenuetherapyclinic.com Rebecca Jones M.A. (DipPCH) GHR GHSC GQHP (MAC) Clinical Hypnotherapist | Consultant | Author Harley Street Therapy Clinic | London W1 | UK Fifth Avenue Therapy Clinic | Manhattan NYC | USA UK | USA |  Worldwide ​
I look forward to meeting you soon...
Hypnotherapist | Coach | Writer
Private Practice | Seminars | Retreats
Paris | London | Manchester
Connect, Follow, & Get in touch;
Follow me on;
Insta; @paris.st.cloud
Twitter; @paris_st_cloud